Day: February 3, 2021

Hell on Earth

Hieronymus Bosch was a painter from the Netherlands who worked during the latter half of the 15th century. He is famous for his bizarre images depicting demons, angels, and strange creatures. One of his most famous paintings that features these creatures is the Garden of Earthly Delights. These pieces would go on to inspire the […]

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Mt. Fuji’s Amazing Open Air Art Museum

Japan’s Open Air Museum Near Mt. Fuji is a wonderful art museum, the Hakone Open Air Museum. It is a short train ride from Tokyo, then a two minute walk from the Chokoku-no-Mori Station. The permanent collection includes over 300 Picassos. The open air section has over 100 sculptures. They have one of the largest […]

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Your Kind of Town

We live near Chicago and visit often. It is a great city with wonderful art and architecture. We’ll be doing a series of posts describing all the great art-related things you can do there. It will take you many visits! The “Bean” aka Cloud Gate has become one of Chicago’s the best known visitor’s sights. […]

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