Pergamon Museum

The Pergamon Museum sits on the Museum Island in the heart of Berlin, an island in the Spree river that holds a large number of the city’s museums. While the showstopper of this museum is the Pergamon altar, it also houses a vast amount of other artifacts and art from Greece and the Middle East.

While you’re being awestruck by the structures alongside the Pergamon altar, including the Market Gate of Miletus and the Ishtar Gate from Babylon, don’t miss some of their smaller pieces as well: The Meissner Fragment is one of the Sumerian clay tablets that helped recreate the story of Gilgamesh, several rare pieces from the rule of the infamous Pharaoh Akhenaten, and a large collection of papyrus scrolls.

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Europe Is Open for Travel

European travel restrictions are largely gone. It’s a wonderful time to visit Europe while the crowds are down.

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What to Know About Travel to Europe Now

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Lost Art Surprise Discovery

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